Self Portrait in Purple

Every now and then I like to do a self portrait, either to test out a new technique, or to make sure my profile pictures match the current style or techniques in the rest of my work. In this case, my previous profile picture was a photo I had taken of myself under studio lightning. Back then, I still dabbled quite a bit with photography, but after narrowing down my services to illustration and design, I decided I needed something different.

I had a lot of fun working on this for a number of reasons. To start, it was just really cool to see a drawn out version of myself, but I also had to come to terms with the facial features I wasn’t too keen about having and portray them in a way that I liked. This actually made me a little more comfortable with the looks I have, which was a happy surprise. I had always tried to hide features I didn’t like about myself in previous self portraits, but it was honestly quite liberating to use them instead.